Conversation 5 - Priya Ilango
Priya Ilango's nostalgic oil painting captures heartfelt conversations between women in their hometown. The artwork portrays a treasured pickle jar, passed down through generations, holding a special place in the kitchen. Only its user knows the secrets it conceals. Amidst shiny, unbreakable steel containers placed high, the pickle jar remains cherished for its sentimentality. Enclosed spaces become spaces for conversation, as the curious bougainvillea tries to eavesdrop, though gently pushed away at sunset. The secrets within the "pickle jar" grow, waiting for the right moment to reveal themselves. Priya Ilango's art beautifully reflects the essence of timeless conversations and cherished memories.
Conversation 5 is a beautiful work of art that will make a great addition to any room.
🤝Purchase of this artwork contributes towards The Rotary Foundation's polio eradication efforts.
Priya Ilango
Oil on Canvas
24 x 24 in